Fennic Fox

Today there were two red foxes in our back Field eating persimmon fruit that had fallen on the ground.I was kinda weird they were just out there eating away in the middle of the day I chased them off so hope could cut the grass.I went online to see if this was normal foxy behavior and then I was thinking "Hey a fox would make a really sweet pet"so I searched pet foxes and you can only keep one kind legally:THE FENNIC FOX.These little guys come from Africa and have been domesticated so you can keep it like a dog.They are so cool I think i might get one someday....
Why not just get a dog? Dogs are nice.
I think it's cool that the foxes were eating the persimmons. I think we discussed once that the squirrels seemed to get them all before the frost(when the persimmons are sweet).
The next tree Dr. T. wants is a persimmon(he saw them in a neighbor's yard and thought they were pretty neat). We have some growing in the Marina.
A fox pet? Yes, please! This reminds me of Dicken from The Secret Garden
You should get a fox.
That would be...interesting.
That would be so cool! It is adorable!
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