The Adventure blog.
Security is a kind of death.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Origin of the Phantom of the Opera (in the movie)

Here is Gerald Butler, the man who plays the Phantom of the Opera in the horrible film version of Andrew Lloyd Webber's opera.
Look at that face! How bad could it possibly be? The Phantom of the Opera is an amazing actor, has a beautifully powerful haunting voice, and is hideously ugly.
Gerald Butler failed on all three counts. He can't act, can't sing, and he's better looking then the goon they chose to play Raoul. Ugh.
So here's what Luke think happened to him: "One day, Erik (The Phantom's real name) was doing a puzzle and he fell asleep on some of the pieces. When he woke up, his hair was a little messed up and he had puzzle imprints on half his face. He looked in the mirror and cried, 'I'm a monster!' Then he went and hid in the opera house. He put on a mask so no one would see how ugly he is. The mask is too tight, and every time he takes it off the mask leaves and imprint so he will never be healed. He'll always be a monster because he is so dumb. The End."
Seriously though, the Phantom in the movie needs to just stop feeling sorry for himself and stop haunting Christine and the Opera house. Look how nice Gerald Butler makes himself look as the phantom (don't get me wrong--- I am not a Gerald Butler fan). Luke says, "So what if he has to wear a wig. Lots of people wear wigs!" Gerald Butler is a dork. He will never be the Phantom of the Opera.
I couldn't find any good pictures of Mr. Butler unmasked. But here is a small one. Look at that sissy. Look at that sissy shirt. Ugh.

To compare, look at Lon Chaney. He is the Phantom of the Opera. Enough said.