star wars top five

number 1: Darth Vader the coolest star wars character ever!forget anikin they don't even know each other.Darth Quote: "far too easy".
number 2:Han solo.I like the part when he says to Luke : "why don't you come with us? you re good in a fight".heh heh I wonder what would of happened if he had.
number 3:chewbacha or
chewy.what more can I say?
number4:boba fett a bounty hunter with a jet pack and grapple gun sweet!Oh yeah forget the stupid kid you saw in attack of the clones that's anther bobba fett.
number 4: old Ben yep hes one of the few characters that's sort of OK some of the time in the new movies.
You have a junk comment ^^^
Good choices.
The new movies stink.
well shesha you are dead blog is not popular .you are really dumb.
heh. I love you!
I also like this list. I am glad that Han Solo made it to number two on your list and I am extremely glad that Luke made it no where near it. heh.
Hey! BANG came today! Yay! More Birra, please! :>)
I have to admit that this is a pretty good list.
Very cool painting of Old Ben, too. The artist really captured that little smirk/smile thing. I love it. And Han Solo rocks.
I just noticed something... what kind of gun is Chewie holding?
I'm on post 799.
I agree with Sarah. I hadn't noticed before that it was a painting of Obi wan.
They definately captured his little smile.
very good.
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